Lavabos de hormigón y productos arquitectónicos de Concrete Studio – Libérate de lo ordinario

Baly Concrete Vanity Top in Blurred Bathroom Lifestyle

Pasión por hacer, desde 2012

We design and make configureable concrete basins, vanities and architectural products for homeowners, builders and design professionals.

We work with commercial clients to develop complex one-off concrete furniture pieces.

And we also run Concrete Studio School. Teaching the skills of GFRC to a new generation of concrete makers and artisans.

Filling the edges with concrete mix

Lavabos, tocadores y muebles de hormigón hechos a mano

Descubre tu amor por el diseño con nuestros productos artesanales de hormigón.
Fundidas meticulosamente con hormigón sin sílice, nuestras piezas son mucho más que simplemente funcionales.

Libérate de lo ordinario y sumérgete en un mundo donde convergen estilo y sostenibilidad.


Elige entre nuestra consolidada gama de lavabos de hormigón y artículos y muebles de baño. La mayoría de ellos pueden personalizarse para conseguir algo verdaderamente a medida.


Con 1600 metros cuadrados de espacio de producción, tenemos capacidad para fabricar a mano desde pilas de hormigón a medida hasta colosales elementos de mobiliario urbano de hormigón.

Cuidados posteriores

Llevamos en lo más alto desde 2012. Después de entregar tu hormigón, estaremos cerca para asesorarte y ayudarte todo el tiempo que nos necesites.

Nuestros valores

We believe that quality concrete is every step done perfectly.

From mould-making to polishing and sealing: the hand-made concrete from our factory involves eight steps. We treat each step as importantly as the last to ensure the end product is as close to perfect as concrete will allow.

We care about each piece of concrete that is out there with our name on it. Our relationship with you doesn't end when your order is shipped. Customer service is why we have repeat return customers, some for more than a decade.

Nuestra historia

Experience, quality and craftsmanship.

Our beginnings go back to London in 2005. With extensive experience in traditional wet-cast concrete furniture fabrication, a move to Australia was the time to switch to more modern materials.

For us that meant developing a blend of fibre reinforced concrete using Australian additives.

Having moved to larger workshops every few years, we are now settled in our large Beaconsfield building, complete with its large feature showroom.

In 2021 we opened an overseas office in Spain to be better able to help our European customers.

Ven a conocernos

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Concrete Basins - Semi-Recessed Price Request

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Concrete Basins - Pedestal Price Request

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Concrete Basins - Trade Price Request

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Concrete Basins - Quick Price Request

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Training Course Enquiry

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Future Courses Roadmap
  • Casting Foam Core Concrete (even stronger and lighter)
  • Pouring, Trowelling and Burnishing Countertops
  • Waterfall Ends and Negative Details
  • Vessel Basins
  • Making Fibreglass Moulds (one piece)
  • Making Fibreglass Moulds (two piece)
  • One-off foam moulds
  • Ongoing Sealer Updates
  • Repairing Chips and Dents
  • What do you want to see here?
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